New Student Enrollment Information
Interested in High School Equivalency, GED or English Classes?
New Student Enrollment Information
Rankin County Adult Education
Prospective Student Information Form
We are so excited you are considering Rankin County Adult Education. We are here to help support you in reaching your goals in school, at work, and in life!
The next step in the registration process is to complete the Prospective Student Information Form. This will provide us with your Contact Information so we can prepare for your enrollment with our program.
You can fill out that form here: Prospective Student Information Form
That's it for now - just be sure to watch for a text, call or check your inbox for more information about our upcoming enrollments.
If you want to continue learning about our program, you can explore these resources now:
Registration process: Our enrollment will include making a copy of your photo ID and completing all of the required registration paperwork and taking the TABE Assessment Test. The TABE test allows us to see your academic standing in Reading, Mathematics and Language. These assessments will help our program determine your academic plan moving forward.
***If you are under 18 years of age you will need to have proof of withdrawal from your last school. Also, a parent or guardian will need to sign a couple of forms for you to enroll with our adult education program.*** -
Program Website: Our site includes information about classes, hours and locations, and other information.
Program Social Media: Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on Rankin County Adult Education
But for now, all you need to do is fill out the Prospective Student Information Form!
If you have any questions, you can email or call us at (601) 825-5040.
Our office will be closed when Rankin County Schools are closed for weather and holidays. We will be closed November 25th - 29th for Thanksgiving Break, and also December 2oth through January 6th for Winter Break. We will check voicemails and emails sporadically during the breaks.
Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Andrew M. Strehlow
Adult Education and GED Administrator