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ACT Resources

This link is on a blog about how to maintain focus during the Covid-19 pandemic.

This link is for parents on how to fight the summer slide and how Covid-19 has increased the slide.

This link provides an awesome blog with some unique strategies on how to earn points without actually knowing the answers.

This link is to an online website to which the county subscribes.  It is a self pacing program and can be used for an individual and/or a class.   You may have to change browsers!!

This link is to a website that is super awesome and is paid for by the district for each student.  

This link is to prepfactory's ACT page.

This link is to Grockit's 5 quick ACT tips.

This link is to's website offering free ACT practice.

This link is to Union Test Prep's free content.

This link is the get2college ACT workshop link.  It is a free ACT workshop; however, registration is limited so sign up early!

This link is to an ACT cram plan if you have only a few days to get ready.

This link is for a great webinar on how to get Merit Based Scholarships based on ACT scores and GPA.

This link is to Ivy Panda's website which has great free resources.  It has a bunch of free practice tests, tips, etc.

This link is to an article from Mastery Prep recognizing Rankin County School District's growth using their platform.

This link is to an announcement from the ACT about offering (not mandating) digital ACT testing.  The test will be the same!

This link is to the ACT's website for digital ACT test practice.

This link for a blog from Mastery Prep on some important ACT tips.

This link is to the ACT enhancement page.

This link is to Kaplan's webpage discussing the changes and studying for the changed ACT.