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ACT Practice Test Questions with Explanations

This link will provide written explanations for 72 C English.


This link is to a written explanation of every question in 74 F.


This link is to a written explanation of every question in 76 C. It is the April 2021 Test Z 04.

This link is to a video solving passages 1 and 2 in Z04/ 76 C.


This link is to a video solving passage 1 on A 09 (April 2018).

This link is to a video solving passage 2 on A 09 (April 2018).

This link is to a video solving passage 3 on A 09 (April 2018).

This link is to a video solving passage 4 on A 09 (April 2018).

This link is to a video solving passage 5 on A 09 (April 2018).


This link is to a video solving passages 1 and 2 of A 11 ( June 2018).

This link is to a video solving passages 3 and 4 of A 11 (June 2018).

This link is to a video solving passage 5 of A 11 (June 2018).


This link is to video solving passage 1 and 2 of C 01 (July 2020).

This link is to a video solving passage 3, 4, and 5 of C 01 (July 2020).


This link is to a video working C 02 (June 2020).


This link is to a video working C 03 (December 2019).


This link is to a video working D 03 (December 2020).


This link is to a video solving passages 1 and 2 on D 05 (April 2021).

This link is to a video solving passages 3, 4, and 5 on D 05 (April 2021).


This link is to a video solving passages 1 and 2 of 76 C/Z 04 (April 2021).


This link is to a video solving passages 1 and 2 of Z 15 ( April 2019).

This link is to a video solving passages 3, 4, and 5 of Z 15 (April 2019).