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Method Test Prep Resources

This link takes you to the Method Test Prep page.  

This link is to a lesson on essential strategies for SAT and ACT prep.

This link is to a webinar from Tom Ehlers on ACT and SAT success strategies.

This link is to a webinar on the differences between the SAT and the ACT from Method Learning's founder.

This link is to another webinar on best practices for SAT/ACT success from Tom Ehlers.

This link is to a video from Kevin Dennis on how to maximize your ACT/SAT scores.

This link is to a Method Test Prep blog on what to eat before the ACT (and during!)

This link is on a blog from Bryan Ziegler and is a highlight of some of the work that RCSD has done with ACT prep (2018).

This link is to a second blog on the partnership between RCSD and MTP (2020).

This link is on a blog about how to maintain focus during the Covid-19 pandemic.

This link is to a blog on how font and text choices on the ACT are intentional and HUGE!!

This link is to a blog on how test optional is really NOT test optional.

This link is to a blog on the true nature of test optional.

This link is to a blog on the need for financial literacy.

This link is to a blog on why economists and others clearly believe entrance exams are needed!! Great read!


New P/SAT Format

This link is to a blog on the new SAT digital test and the percentage of grammar on the upcoming test.

This link is to a blog on the new SAT Math digital test.

This link is to a blog about how to use Desmos calculators on the new digital SAT.

This link is to a in-depth blog on the specific types of math on the SAT.

This link is to a video on the changes of the digital PSAT/SAT Math: "Everything You Need to Know"

This link is to a video on the math on the digital P/SAT.

This link is to a video on the reading and writing portion of the digital P/SAT.


General College/Career Admissions

This link is to a webinar on choosing the best environment for success for you as a student.

This link is to a webinar on how academic and non-academic factors impact acceptance rates.

This link is to a video from Dr. Sterk on building and writing a great college resume.

This link is to a video on building college and career knowledge and skills that most people don't have.

This link is to a blog on unique factors in college selection, admission, etc.



This link will allow teachers to print quizzes from inside Method Test prep.


General Strategies

This link will take you to a very important blog on the new ACT/SAT Concordance table and what might be best for you.

This link provides a general overview of the test from Evan Wessler.

This link follows up Evan Wessler's previous webinar with more dynamic tips. 

This link is to Evan Wessler's quick hitting strategy prior to any ACT.

This link is to a Method Test Prep blog on avoiding careless errors on the ACT.

This link is to a Method Test Prep blog on four common mistakes on the ACT.

This link is to a Method Test Prep blog on the new changes and how to find historical data on Method Test Prep.


This link is to a Method Test Prep blog on how to handle the sentence order questions.

This link is to a blog from Evan Wessler on how to control the English test and deal with some of the wordiness.

This link is to a blog from Evan Wessler on the uniqueness of the English language versus colloquial language.

This link is to a blog from Donald McCarthy on avoiding wordiness, etc on the ACT/SAT and how the grammar tests are very repetitive in nature.


This link will take you to a Method Test Prep video on punctuation.

This link will take you to another Method Test Prep video on punctuation.  Start at minute 36.

This link is a video on comma usage from Method Test Prep.

This link is to a blog from Evan Wessler on comma splice.  

This link will take you to a video from Method Test Prep on subject verb agreement.

This link will take you to a Method Test Prep video on pronoun usage.

This link is to a Method Test Prep video on transitions.

This link is to a Method Test Prep video on conjunction and preposition usage.

This link is to a Method Test Prep blog on prepositions.  It has an embedded video as well.

      Rhetorical Skills

This link will take you to a Method Test Prep video on words in context.

This link is to a Method Test Prep video on rhetorical skills.  Skip to about 4:22 to get to specifics of rhetorical skills.



This link is another excellent blog from Evan Wessler on how to think through math problems on the ACT.

This link is to Evan Wessler's blog on the different ways the ACT/SAT ask the same question!  

This link is to a blog on some simple math strategy for the ACT.


This link is to a review of percent change from Mastery Prep.

This link is to a Method Test Prep video on exponent tricks.

This link is to a video from Method Test Prep on how to use exponents-a skill we need to be able to get square roots correctly.

This link is to a Method Test Prep video on systems of equations.

This link is to a Method Test Prep video on ratios.  It cuts off around the 35 minute mark.

This link is to a Method Test Prep blog from Evan Wessler on the predictability of the math test.


This link is to a Method Test Prep video on straight lines and solutions.

This link is to a Method Test Prep video on linear relationships.

This link is to a video from Method Test Prep on similar triangles.

This link is to a Method Test Prep video on completing the square as it relates to circles.

This link is to a Method Test Prep video on circles.

This link is to a video from Method Test Prep on review of circles, triangles, and squares.



This link is to a Method Test Prep blog on becoming a strong reader.

This link is to a Method Test Prep blog on how to deal with boring reading passages.

This link is to a Method Test Prep blog on the potential new changes to the reading passages.


This link is from Method Test Prep on finding Evidence.

This link is from Method Test Prep on Theme, Tone, and Perspective.

This link is from Method Test Prep on annotating reading passages on the ACT.

This link is to a Method Test Prep video on the "Most Nearly Means" questions.



This link it to a blog from Method Test Prep about the lack of information needed to conquer the science section.

This link is to a video from Method Test on how to generally conquer the science section.


Video archive

This link will take you to the current video archive.