PSAT / SAT Resources
This link is to a Method Test Prep blog on forced changes to the PSAT into digital format for the Class of 2025.
This link is to a Method Test Prep blog on more of the digital changes to the P/SAT.
This link will compare the PSAT v the SAT. Notice, there is not much difference.
This link will provide you with information about 2020-2021 SAT Testing.
This link is where you can get registration information.
This link will take you to the new ACT/SAT concordance table.
This link will take you to a very important blog on the new ACT/SAT Concordance table and what might be best for you.
This link explains the scoring of the PSAT.
This link is where you link your past PSAT/SAT scores to Khan Academy.
This link will talk about PSAT scores going up and down.
This link is about the changes the PSAT underwent. This is important to look at the new skills that are required for mastery.
Here is a link that explains the new changes to the PSAT score report.
This link is for the Magoosh Complete Study Guide to the SAT.
This link will explain College Board's position on super scoring.
This link will give you the updated rules on at-home testing.
This link will take you to the National Merit Scholarship page if you get a letter.
This link is to the National Merit page.
This link is to Compass Prep's explanation of cut scores, etc.
This link is to's SAT problem of the day.
This link is to a reading list to prepare for the PSAT/SAT.
This link is to Compass Prep's site on the new SAT.
This link is to the College Board's web page detailing the new SAT.
This link is to Compass Prep's site on the class of 2023 National Merit Cut scores.
This link is to a list of additional scholarships offered by colleges to National Merit Winners.
This link is to Kaplan's PSAT prep page.
This link is to College Board's practice test page.