Site Coordinators register students throughout the year when spots are available or add parents/students to the waiting list until a spot is open. To determine availability, you may contact the Frontiers site. Phone numbers are here.
- Registration requires a $25 (per child) registration fee and a 2024-25 Parent Contract completed by the parent or legal guardian.
- Families with children at different schools (in grade divided zones for example) - must have a separate check or money order for each site/school.
- Parent Contracts will be available at the site, at the time of registration. These cannot be mailed, faxed, emailed, etc.
FRONTIERS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 135 S . College Street | Brandon | 39042 Phone: (601) 825 - 9714 Fax: (601) 824 - 2900 OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday | 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.