Disability Insurance
Did you know that a Disability Plan through American Fidelity is available to you? This is a long term disability plan, but there are four plan options that differ in when the benefit begins (see below).
Plan I - On the 8th day of Disability due to a covered injury or sickness
Plan II - On the 15th day of Disability due to a covered injury or sickness
Plan III - On the 31st day of Disability due to a covered injury or sickness
Plan IV - On the 61st day of Disability due to a covered injury or sickness
There are return to work incentives and additional limited benefits for special conditions.
Riders offered through this policy include hospital indemnity, critical illness, spousal accident, and a survivor benefit.
Disability does not coordinate with workman's compensation. If you have a loss, fatal or non-fatal, resulting from an injury or sickness arising out of and in the course of any occupation for wage or profit or for which you are entitled to Workers' Compensation, the disability policy will not pay.