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History of Army JROTC in Rankin County School District

History of Army JROTC in Rankin County School District

The first RCSD JROTC Program was established 5 July 1983 at Brandon High School followed closely by programs at Northwest Rankin and Richland High Schools.  Several years afterward, programs opened at Florence and McLaurin High Schools.  The last Program to open was at Pelahatchie High School on 1 June 2002.

Although Pisgah and Puckett High Schools do not host a primary JROTC Program at their prospective schools, students are allow to enroll and participate in JROTC at Brandon High School (for Pisgah) and Pelahatchie High School (for Puckett).

Currently, we have one Senior Army Instructor and one Army Instructor at our six primary JROTC programs.  Our total enrollment averages approximately 800 cadet each school year.