Rankin County School District
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds
As you are aware, the Federal Government has allocated monies (ESSER FUNDS-Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund) to address the impact that the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools across the Nation. It is to help schools with purchasing of technology, distance learning needs, health and safety resources, learning loss, etc. The following is information on the plans for the money allotted to RCSD. The plans may be amended as other needs arrive.
Approximately $1,900,000
Chromebooks, Chromebook Carts, Summer Remediation Materials, portion of Nurses Salaries for FY21
Approximately $7,900,000
Planned Expenditures: Nurses salaries for FY21 and FY22, Refresh of student and teacher computers for FY22, Dongles, 3rd Grade Gate Summer Program, Elementary Summer Remediation Program, Middle School/High School Summer School and Remediation Programs, Elementary and Secondary Summer Enrichment Programs, Digital Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary, 2 mental health counselors, teachers and assistant teachers for the new Over-age Middle School Program
Approximately $17,700,000
This money has not been released. Preliminary planning is in progress.